Writer word clouds

Word cloud

I did this word cloud exercise of subjects I have written about and had published over the course of my 30-ish year career. It’s still not all of them. 

The word cloud does not capture costumes, marriage, history, abuse, trees, rivers, hitchhiking, elections, television lightning, railways, sex shops, nutrition, plants, roofing, banking, boats, drugs, kindness, cooking, Christmas, aging, snow, apples, mysteries, flowers, shopping, cycling, swimming, skiing, skating, museums, pet rescues and pumpkins and…oh, telephones…

And assisted suicide… religion…charities and landmines and…chocolate and…bathrooms and flooring and…veterans and cakes. And parks. And pride!

Still more: ALS, Cancer, Alzheimers, Guiding, Scouts, flooding, Abu Dhaibi, archeaology, trains, homeschooling, search and rescue, and home inspections. Karate, coins, trophies, hockey, photography, statues, marathons, Hallowe’en, refugees, and wheelchair basketball.